Thursday, October 31, 2019

Article abstract assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Article abstract assignments - Essay Example In addition, the author uses the empirical studies to ascertain his conclusion on league variations in terms of competitive balance. Notably, lee identifies the effect of, open and closed leagues, intra-seasonal and inter-seasonal measures, and winning percentages aspects on competitive balance. Lee’s methodologies have successfully proved the parity effects of the 1193. Critical assessment of the author on other research and studies appreciates the effect of the 1993 Collective Bargain Agreement for its contributions towards a competitive balance. National football league commitments have led to inter-frachise balance. Although a number of factors are related to competitive balance, CBA triggered an increase in competitive balance. Lee’s review distinguish the different levels of competitive balance in the leagues The author explains the different aspects and factors affecting variations in performance and competitive balance, but used probability analysis in some parts instead of facts. However, there are drawbacks of the report by lee. One of the drawbacks is that the empirical method used arbitrary teams, which might have distorted the overall results owing to the fact that different teams differ in terms of rules and regulation not included on the review. Second, the author should have incorporated and compared other Football league associations to come into concise conclusions regarding competitive balance in NFL aster the 1993

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Genetically Modified Food is bad Essay Example for Free

Genetically Modified Food is bad Essay The debate on whether genetically modified foods are safe for human consumption is marked with controversy in the political, social, academic, and economic fronts of our community. Proponents of genetically modified foods claim that it is the only viable solution to the food insecurity problem that is eminent in the global community (Roth, 2000). Some scientific research findings have claimed that genetically modified foods have substantial levels of safety for human consumption. Nevertheless, the long term health safety of genetically modified foods has never been confirmed (Atherton, 2002). Despite the numerous claims made by proponents of genetically modified foods, there has been not concrete evidence to qualify such claim, a factor that makes consumption of such foods a risk to the human health. Genetically modified foods have been evidently closely associated with some long term health complications (Atherton, 2002). According to available statistical evidence, the global community is witnessing an increase in the occurrences of terminal diseases such as obesity. This trend has been closely attributed to the ever increasing usage of genetically modified foods in the community (Roth, 2000). Records have shown that thousands of thousands of Americans have fallen victims of obesity. Indeed, this health problem has become an issue of national concern in the American society. According to scientist, the problem has been escalated by the common trends of Americans in using fast foods. This is because, such foods lack fiber components, which are crucial to the human body. Another reason given is that such foods contain high levels of energy, which are usually not necessary to the body. Therefore, genetically modified foods are no doubt a leading cause of the increasing numbers of obese people in the community. Although numerous scientific research finding claim substantial health safety for the consumption of genetically modified foods, no search has been conducted to qualify the potential long term health risk brought by such foods (Karlsson, 2003). It has been established that gene modification can result into totally different type of gene whose impact in the human body can not be predicted. Based on this reasoning it is certain that genetically modified foods cannot be claimed safe unless sufficient research has been conducted. Still on the question of safety is the fact that modified genes are commonly made using denatured toxins, which serve to make the foods more robust to infections (Roth, 2000). According to scientific claims, these toxins are in essence poisonous to the human body cells upon long term accumulation (Roth, 2000). In fact this is what has been identified as potential allergens in genetically modified foods which make some people susceptible to their consumption. In conclusion therefore, genetically modified foods are a potential risk to the sustainable health of the human community. We are no doubt experiencing the impact such have from the ever increasing illnesses such as cases of obesity in the community. Since the question of the long term safety of these foods to the human body are significantly eminent, biotechnology products should be regarded as an issue of concern for the long term social and economic development of the community. Just as is rightly claimed, with the available natural resources and modern technological advancements, the world is capable of supplying its population with sufficient food (Roth, 2000). Therefore, any claim of genetically modified foods being the only solution to the world food security is misleading. It only serves as an indication of ignorance and lack of concern for the sustainable future of the human community. References Atherton, K. (2002). Genetically Modified Crops: Assessing Safety. London: Taylor Francis. Karlsson, M. (2003). Biosafety Principles for GMOs in the Context of Sustain. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 10, 12-43. Roth, G. (2000). Between the Rows: Sideline View of the GMO Debate. Retrieved January 17, 2010, from http://biotech. cas. psu. edu/articles/between_the_rows. htm

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Influence of Darwins theory on modern psychology

Influence of Darwins theory on modern psychology Charles Darwin was a British scientist, who coins the concept of evolution and geological observation. Charles Darwin was greatly inspired by geologist Adam Sedgwick and Reverent/ naturalist John Henslow. Both mean played a major role in the development of his theory. Darwin draws his ideas from those who believed that the sacred book was and extract of world and humans. His work was of great influence on life and development of natural science and psychological thoughts. Darwins career gave him the opportunity to observed various geological structure around the globe as well as living species .This experience have enhance his intellectual thought and prospective of the earths surface. However Angell (2007) states that Darwinism has never been a really vital issues in psychology (The influence of Darwin on psychology). Darwins theory of evolution has been disparaged by the theologians, biologist and even the psychologist. The heavy criticism came in the light of his book origin of species. Biologist wangled that Darwin could not Thomas Malthus was a British economist, who wrote numerous articles about population growth. Malthus theorizes that the availability of food cannot be compared to the geometrical rate of population growth. Thus, overpopulation constantly leads to unending forces of hunger, virulent disease and poverty. The instinctive struggle for survival arrested Darwin attention; as a result, he used Malthuss approach to the theory of evolution. (How did Thomas Malthus influence Charles Darwin?). Darwin theory of evolution is essential, because the food supply issues describe by Thomas Malthus, gave young species the opportunity to complete for their survival. The survival of the fittest would then provide; the future generation with the favourable variation of their heredity. Therefore, each generation would improve adoptively throughout the ages and this attempt would gradual succeed in the development of evolutionary species. This approach was added to Darwin scheme of natural selection, thus h e proposed that all species are related to one common ancestor known as the real eve. Moreover, he offered extra support for the core concept that earth itself is not motionless but evolving .Darwin believed that some of the instinct used in Malthus struggle of survival would invigorate the survival scheme. Throughout his research, Darwin concluded that this ongoing struggle between those more and less fit to survive would produce a never ending progression of change in the organism (How did Thomas Malthus influence Charles Darwin?). Darwin used the ideas of many scholars to develop his theory. He strongly believed that population growth remain pending until existing natural resources becomes stabilized. Thomas Malthus was ordained minister of the gospel, who believed that starvation and illnesses were employed by God to prevent populations growth. He further mentions that lacking these positive checks the population would explode rapidly .Malthus saw life as a divine inspiration that assign men to work fervently. In addition, Malthus dislike most of the statement used by the early philosophers, he believed that human problems can be resolve through the social engineering network. Most of the philosophers, who Malthus dislikes, use his essay as guide to coin their theory (How did Thomas Malthus influence Charles Darwin?). Alfred Russell Wallace Alfred Russell Wallace was the first British naturalist, who coined the term evolution, due to his natural selection. It was his proposal that Darwin use to formulate his theory. Wallaces theory was publicized at the same time of that of Charles Darwin. According to historians, Wallace and Darwin worked independently, yet uninformed about each others research. Both men shared the same perceptiveness about biological mechanism, in which species gradually change to meet the criteria of their environment. During this era, most persons strongly believed that all species were irreversible merchandise of divine creation (Alfred Russel Wallace biography). Evolution is the process by which transformation occur though enormous diversity of the living species. Studies have shown that all living species have descended from one common ancestor in the past. Wallace philosophy of spiritualism was vast different to those of Charles Darwin thesis of human minds. Darwin saw humans as highly evolved organisms; Wallace believed that the human mind was inspired by something outside evolution and that the human spirit could continue to progress after death (Rocky road: Alfred Russel Wallace). At first Wallace believed that the duties executed by men would normal amend with the current time. However, as time progress, he changes his verdict. He maintained that the entire universe was fashioned by human being, just that we are considered a little lower than angels. As young man, though, he thought differently. In one passage about the King Bird of Paradise, Wallace both marvelled at the existence of such amazing creatures that had so seldom been seen by people, and made a prescient observation about humanitys impact on nature (Rocky road: Alfred Russel Wallace). Herbert Spencer Herbert Spencer was the first sociologist in Derby England. Herbert defined sociology as the study of societal evolution and believed that the ultimate goal of societal evolution is complete harmony and happiness (Evolutionary theory, 2004 p. 434). Spencer embraced Charles Darwin theory of natural selection, after he publishes the book origins of species. Spencer was considered an influential supporter of social Darwinism, and subfield of Darwin hypothesis of human societies. Spencer coined the term survival of the fittest to describe the contest between individuals and groups. He theorized that wealth and power are signs of intrinsic fitness, while poverty is considered as evidence of low standard (Evolutionary theory, 2004 p. 434). Spencer concept of adaption permits him to declare that the rich and powerful are capable to adopt the social and economic means of the current time, while the concept of natural selection allows him to argue that it is normal for the rich to progress at the works of the poor. After all, it is an issue of everyday life. In some case Social Darwinist argue that it is inappropriate to assist those who are weak than oneself, since it will promote survival of someone who is inapt Spencer had many very extreme political views and grew to despise government programs that were aimed to help the poor. In the end it was his harsh views on politics that held his ideas back from being accepted right away. Spencer was like Darwin in some ways, but when it came down to the theory of evolution, Spencer took it one step further than Darwin by saying that it involved much more that just biology (Herbert spencer). Charles Lyell Charles Lyell was a well-known geologist and uniformitarian supporter during the mid 19 century. Being a firm believer of uniformitarian (All about Science) he coined the term uniformitarianism. Lyell supported his hypothesis base on geological observation that the made during his visits to Europe and North American. This theory asserts that the same biological process that operates in the past continues to do so in the same way and with the same gradual force. According to Encarta dictionary catastrophism is the process by which the natal description of earth surfaces was structure by a series of impetuous violent, rather than gradual evolutionary theory. This approach have seen a large extinct of animals and plants. An example of this theory is Noahs flood. During the flood, everything was wiped away except those that were taken into the ark. The catastrophist believed that all species created are irreversible. However, the catastrophist perception was opposed by Sir Charles Lyell in his book principles of geology. Lyell mention in his book, that earths surface is constantly undergoing changes, as a result of the unvarying operation of natural forces. As time progress, Darwin found himself apt to Lyells viewpoint. However, He soon realized that some of his examination of living plants and creature posed great doubt to those of Lyell. Lyell maintained that species were created differently. He further mentions that the remains of extinct species resemble those of living species in the same geographical area (The influence of Darwin on psychology). Although, he had difficulty accepting his own philosophy, his work found favour in the eyes of Charles Darwin (All about Science). Moreover, his works found a source of believe some billions years ago. However, Darwin theory of evolution, did not propose any time frame until he em brace Lyell old earth theories (All about Science). Most scientists accepted Lyell theory because it provides rational explanation and details. Yet those explanation were considered evidence, and even today scientist used Lyell geological explanation with no major questioning. Darwin accepted Lyell work hold heartedly, because it gives him a clear instinct of his beliefs. At one point Lyell retaliated against the theory of geology, because he believed that theory depicts a biased and construal setting of the scripture Genesis (Sir Charles Lyell). Alfred Binet Alfred Binet was French psychology, who was known for success in intelligent testing. In the 1889 Binet discovered the first psychological research laboratory in France. As director of the laboratory, he attempted to develop experimental technique that would measure rational thinking and intelligence. During the 1900s the French government (History of intelligence testing) contacted Binet, seeking his help to develop a theory that would differentiate the difference between mental incompetence and mental stability. As result the said government pass an amendment bill that requires the present of all children in school. Hence the reason was to identify their specialities and to group them according to their learning abilities. With the help of his co-worker, psychologist Theodore Simon, he was able to devise a test that would measure the mental capacity of children. This approach was known as the Binet-Simon scale. After the development of the Binet-Simon scale, the test was soon brought to the United States where it generated considerable interest (History of intelligence testing). Lewis Terman a psychologist at the standard university used Alfred Binet testing to conduct his own survey, the outcome of his finding was known as Stanford-Binet intelligent scale, soon after it was initially change to standard intelligent testing. The Stanford-Binet intelligent testing is conducted by trained professionals, who known how to administered the examination and secure the answers. The method designed to compute the IQ score is dividing mental age by the actual chronological age of the individual taking the examination and then multiply it by 100. For example if an 8year old scores a mental age of 12 her IQ given to her would be 150i;e 1Q of 150(8/12x 100). Although this initiative is accurate in children it does not compute will for adults. Intelligent testing Sir Francis Galton Francis Galton was a British Scientist, who laid the foundation of eugenics. He was also related to Charles Darwin. As result he was the first to acknowledge Darwins evolutionary theory, after he read the book the origins of species. Galton soon became interested in heredity and the measurement of humans; He collected various statistical data on height, dimensions and other characteristics of human beings. Base on quantitative studies of prominent individuals and their family trees, he concluded that intellectual ability is inherited in much the same way as physicals traits and he later published his finding in heredity (Sir Francis Galton). Galton strongly believed that the nature of intelligence have led him to inspire the thoughts, that society should encourage the upper class to replenish the earth , while the lower class refrain from doing so. During the mid 19 century eugenics was seen considered social Darwinism. Social Darwinism entails the struggle for existence and survival of the fittest. When applied to humanity it simply suggest the rich are wealthy off than the poor, and more successful in life. The controversy between the rich and poor permits the continual development of the species in orderly and timely manner, thus contributing to better society. Galton conduct a further probe to investigate the difference between the effects of heredity and those of environment ( Sir Francis Galton ). Base on his finding he was able to detect how education and environmental factors influence our mental ability. Galton continues to recognize heredity as prominent influence, regardless of his finding. Galton was among the first scientist to study twins, who had been separated from each other as means offering insight into the nature -nurture controversy (Sir Francis Galton). They contribution made by Galton provides valuable so urce for both psychologist and educators.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Leda Atomica :: essays research papers

Leda Atomica (24 x 18"- oil on canvas), is a painting by Salvador Dali (1904-1989) who was the top Surrealists of this time. Surrealism explored the subconscious, the dream world, and irrational elements of the psyche in the firm belief that the discoveries to be made from such exploration would be of greater fundamental importance to the human condition than any other form of social analysis. Surrealists like Salvador Dali was very fascinated by the ephemeral state of the mind between sleep and consciousness, dream and reality, sanity and insanity, as one in which the mind functioned purely, unfettered by the constraints of logic and social behavior. (#1 - Surrealism)Salvador Dali was born in May 11 of 1904 in Figures Spain, and in 1921 he entered the San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid where he made friends with Federico Garcia Lorca, Luis Bunuel, and Eugenio Montes. In June of 1923 Dali was suspended from the Academy for having indicated the students to rebel against the authorities of the school but was let back in October of 1925, and a year later Dali was permanently expelled. Then in 1924 he was imprisoned in Figures and Gerona for political reasons. The influence of metaphysical paintings and contact with Miro, caused Dali to join the Surrealists in 1929. (#8 - Biographical Outline) Dali held numerous one-man shows during his career and did many art forms from paintings to sculpture and even movies. He directed and was a part of many films including the first surrealist film "Un Chiea A Dalou A Andalusian Dog", with the director Luis Bunuel. In 1945 he designed the memorable surrealistic dream sequence for Hitchcock's Spellbound, and filmed Don Juan Tenorio, in 1951. By reading psychological case histories, Dali hoped to represent neuroses in an ultra-realistic style so as to objectify the irrational with photographic accuracy. A lot of his artwork has some kind of connection to other artwork of his, like the melting clock, his symbol of death, and most of all is Dali's anamorphic self portrait mask that appears in allot of his paintings. The shape of the face, usually presented resting on its nose, is strongly reminiscent of one of the rock formation of the coastline near Dali's home. Leda Atomica is some what connected to The Madonna of Port Lligat, as if Dali is showing a symbolic story of his relationship with Gala, (Gala- is his lover/wife).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Life of Stray Cats Essay

Stray animals like dogs and cats wondering around our neighborhood have become a norm across the globe because they reproduce quickly and uncontrollably. One of the pros of it is that they hardly will be extinct and we will always have our furry friends be around with us. But with only very little pros, it can never out power the cons that strays had to go through. They are always the number one victims of abuse, living in a malnutrition state, and involve in too many accidents and in the end of the day, only a small amount of people actually cares and pay attentions to these helpless animals. We always read articles about stray dogs but how many of us actually remember about stray cats? According to myth, cats have nine lives which makes us think that they are stronger, and can live longer compare to any other animals but as all of us know, it is not true. Cats only have one life just like every other animal. What makes us agree to the myths is because a lot of cats actually look alike, that even if one died, another cat will appear hence we will think it’s the same cats. Stray cats have to go through as much pain as stray dogs. They need to hunt for their own food, digging from one garbage bin to another, attacked by other stray cats, and got injuries all over the body. Worst of all, being abuse by immoral people who splash hot water or slash them without any guilty feelings. Cats also meet with accidents very often due to speeding cars, dark roads where drivers couldn’t see, or unhygienic food that they accidentally eat. They were eventually left to rot or being eaten by other animals such as crows and dogs. Who will actually care for their lives Although it’s impossible for us to adopt every stray cat on the street, but imagine if every family manage to keep a pet cat in their home. That can actually save a lot of their lives. Some might have allergies towards animals but you can still help by providing clean water and some food outside of your house for the cats. This can avoid them from eating poisonous or unhygienic foods and also let them have a healthier life. Last but not least, the best way to avoid over reproduction of strays is by spaying or neutering them. Do not just sit back and watch our furry friends die. One day, they might be gone from the surface of the earth forever. They deserve a second chance too. Start saving and adopting.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mama Mancini Restaurant

Mama Mancini Restaurant Strategy Paper 1: Proposal The purpose of this paper is to examine the prevalence of family owned small business through analysis conducted to assess their contribution and impact to the society. The research is aimed at assessing the problems faced by small family owned businesses. First, the study will examine specific case of family owned small business, Mama Mancini’s, a mid size restaurant in Chicago area, in order to examine how closely it fits the general principles of family owned small business.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Mama Mancini Restaurant specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The success of this small business is owed to good planning, quality of their product and identification of the niche market. Bruno Mancini’s vision and planning contributed greatly to the success of the business. The paper focuses on dynamics of owner-owned enterprises and Mama Mancini’s business wa s chosen for this case because of the successful, family owned small businesses which are typical example of increasing numbers all family owned businesses all over the world. Mama Mancini is a small family business started in 1913 by Arturo Mancini, an Italian Chef specialising in serving genuine home made sources. The restaurant has gained popularity over the years due to its unique delicacies of Italian recipes and dining experience combined with good cultural atmosphere.This small family owned business was running at a loss five years ago, the break even point was achieved during the third year. The figures below present the company’s financial statements. INCOME STATEMENT FORM MAMA MANCINI’S FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS (Amounts are in $’000) Year 1 Year 2/th> Year 3/th> Year 4/th> Year 5/th> Sales 4,217 5,060 6,072 7,287 8,744 Cost of good sold 1,265 1,518 1,821 2,186 2,623 Gross Profit 2,951 3,542 4,250 5,101 6,121 Selling, general, Admini strative Expenses 3,285 3,791 4,087 4,825 5,556 Administrative Expenses 3,285 3,791 4,087 4,825 5,556 Net profit before tax -333 -249 163 275 585 Tax 0 0 24 41 85 Profit after tax -333 -249 139 234 480 Mama Mancini is classified as a small business because the enterprise is owned and operated by family members. Family owned business is defined as a general agreement among family members that requires ownership and management of the business. Small business enterprises contribute greatly to the American economy and studies have showed that 75% of all businesses in the United States are family owned. Studies have also shown that small businesses contribute to 50% of the GDP and 78% of jobs generated within the United States This research demonstrates that family owned businesses across the United States are the major backbone of the domestic economy (Philips Raspery 1). Strategy paper 2: Target Marketing and Positioning Mama Mancini restaurant is situated at a secluded environment, in the suburbs of Chicago area characterised with great atmosphere and serves a traditional cuisine of authentic Italian food to its customers. The sound system of the music is neither loud nor too slow and offers comfortable seats cushioned with avante-gard-styled booths. Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The water foundation and aluminium ceiling funs provides a cool atmosphere in hot summer days adding more serenity to the environment. Jack Mancini, the restaurant chef accredits the food in his restaurant as sensational, tasty and satisfying and the harmonise music the restaurant provides helps create the perfect ambiance that attracts more customers to the place. Just to add to the ambience of the place, the restaurant plays a wide array of Italian music that adds more dining experience to the cultural atmosphere. Marketing mix comprises o f product, price, place and promotion, and as mentioned earlier, Mama Mancini has incorporated all this strategies in its product (Dissanayake 9). Segments that make up the target markets in Mama Mancini restaurant revolve around how the business targets its market in terms of distribution of products, its promotion and pricing. Mama Mancini restaurant offers as the best example by charging relatively low prices on their menus and offering buffers to returned customers. This strategy has established the firm long term relationship with its clients. The firm has also streamlined its products to specifically meet customer’s needs by offering a variety of sauces to choose from. Mama Mancini friendly environment located in a convenient location in the heart of Chicago and its culinary precision places it at a better advantage over its competitors. Third, partnership with customers helps develop the level of trust which makes the customer commit to staying in purchasing the produc ts even if they don’t need it (Philips Raspery 2). The company’s competitive advantage is derived its exceptional culinary precision in serving Italian foods of genuine home made sources offers it a better competitive advantage over other businesses. The firm configures its resources (employees, customers and suppliers) within a challenging environment to meet its demands and has also been able to offer its customers incentives that include buffers to gain competitive advantage over its competitor and as a strategy to retain and attract more customers. In addition, a strategic perspective would also require a company employing resources such as skills, assets, finance, relationships, facilities and technical competence. On social and economical perspective, Mama Mancini development strategy involved passing off management leadership from one generation to the other, a strategy that pulls in new skills and products to the stale markets. Different ideas brought in by n ew members positively impacts on the productivity and profitability of a business and may have positive influence on the communities (Philips Raspery 2).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Mama Mancini Restaurant specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The product position in marketing describes how a business creates its image or identity of their target markets. Mama Mancini for this instance has been able to maintain its Italian family for generations and its exceptional culinary precision in serving Italian foods of genuine home made sources offers it a better competitive advantage over other businesses. The is has helped the company to be identified as an Italian Cuisine in all its branches opened all over Chicago and within the United States making their sales doubling over a period of five years. Even though the business was running at a loss for a period of five years, its strategy in serving exceptional me als at affordable prices made it achieve break even point on its third year in business (Philips Raspery 3). Strategy Paper 3: Product and Channels The restaurant’s strategy to branch out into sauces enables it to gain niche markets that existed for the sauces of Mama Mancini. As demand the restaurants products increased, Mama Mancini started extending its services outside Chicago borders to more international borders such as Japan. Mama Mancini product offering that include a variety of sauces to choose from has given the company a differential advantage over other competitors. The total numbers of branches opened by Mama Mancini over the past decades has had great impacts on the US GDP. Capital expansion of the business is generated from firm’s reinvest into the business to support and perpetuate wealth for future generations. Also, its ability to make long term investments in opening up branches in different locations would subsequently help its future generation s as opposed to the large corporation motives of short term returns (Philips Raspery 4). Small family owned businesses often face cash flow crunch problems and Mama Mancini is no exception. Its Income statement displays a negative cash flow in the first years of business. These small businesses were in the habit of short term planning, with simple budgets that projected only into the immediate future. This could not enable them develop new markets and extend credit facilities to their clients due to the cash flow crunches they faced as result of overtrading as the case of Mama Mancini. Mama Mancini experienced overtrading within its first two years of trading since it had incurred large capital expenditure in purchasing production facility that made it difficult to meet orders it had already taken due to lack of funds. Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Also, the business was not in a position to extend credit facilities to the customers and did not have enough buffers in case of such emergencies. However, Mama Mancini’s credit crunch improved over the years as the Company was able to build up on its profit base as owed to effective management of production and selling cycles (Philips Raspery 4). Family owned businesses often encounter the problem of retirement as opposed to large corporations. Most cases the founders of these enterprises pass on the management to younger family members that often welcome tensions and problems. Research reveals that family businesses are concentrated upon the issue of effective succession of male family. Over the years families have tended to move away from transferring possession to their direct heirs to a shared leadership since the chosen successors may be incapable of handling the business and this makes more economic sense. Multiple successors may offer advantage to the company becaus e of the new ideas they bring into the business that may stimulate growth and performance of the enterprise. In the case of Mama Mancini, the founder of the business Arturo gracefully stepped aside to allow Bruno to capitalise on bringing new ideas and products into the business (Philips Raspery 4). Mama Mancini fulfils customer needs and provides benefits by developing its strategies on risk taking, innovation, productivity and independency thereby increasing firm’s productivity and personal responsibility to the economy. This strategy enhances the firm’s strength and success and disables the burden during leadership transition. Since the firm has heavily invested in customer service, respect tradition and take good care of their employees contrary to large corporations, they are more likely to gain long term trust with its employees and to the clients as a whole. And also, since Mama Mancini operates on attributes such as management status, family union and owners hip, and share simultaneous roles, history, identity and language and their emotional involvement and acknowledgement of privacy gives them a caring heart about treating their employees fairly, luring family members into the business and providing jobs for the public (Philips Raspery 4). Brand name of a business may include family names, individual names or combination brand names. Mama Mancini for this case uses the Italian name Mancini to identify with classic Italian recipes and culture. Since the firm is involves majority members of its Italian family, direct family involvement and transition is passed on to multiple generations, which results into more businesses and larger economic contributions. The excellent dishes provided by the restaurant and friendly working environment leads to satisfied employees and retention, productivity ultimately leading to good services thereafter, customer satisfaction and loyalty, key determinants to financial success (Taguiru and Davis 1). P roduct life cycles are strategies a firm encounters when introducing a product to the markets. The stages include market introduction stage, growth stage, maturity stage and saturation and decline stage. In market introduction stage, a firm always experiences low sales, no competition, create demand, incur high costs in product orientation and there are either makes little or no money. When sauces were first introduced Mama Mancini, family members were directly involved in the day-to-day running of the business with no compensation. Customers were charged relatively low prices and buffers were offered to returned customers. In the growth stage, the restraint financed its activities through personal funds and resources to cover up the initial set up costs. The business was started with limited personal resources and continued to grow gradually through personal recommendations among the Italian community in Chicago, later extending to other networks across the United States.In matur ity stage, the company starts to realize increased competition, sales volume increases and industrial profits go now. For the restaurants case, the wide array of Italian music that is neither loud nor too slow adds more dining experience to the cultural atmosphere. In addition, the comfortable seats cushioned with avante-gard-styled booths helped the firm realize increased sales. The water foundation and aluminium ceiling funs provides a cool atmosphere in hot summer days adding more serenity to the environment and the sensational, tasty and satisfying and the harmonise music the restaurant provides helps create the perfect ambiance that attracts more customers to the place. In my opinion, I would like to recommend the restaurant to build close relationships with its employees as a strategy to build customers loyalty and establishes viable business (Philips Raspery 4). Vertical marketing system is where members of a channel of distribution that comprises of producer, wholesaler a nd retailer work together to achieve business goal. Mama Mancini uses vertical marketing system since it configures its resources (employees, customers and suppliers) within a challenging environment to meet its demands. The firm does not use any intermediaries since all restaurant activities are run by family members. Members of the channel that perform the regrouping activities are Mancini family members since they head most of the restraint branches all over United States. Vertical integration does not make sense in this case since all family members are involved in running of the business and there is no significant authority figure (Philips Raspery 4). Strategy Paper 4: Promotion and Pricing Personal networking and interpersonal relationship in Mama Mancini Restaurant had greatly contributed to product promotion and pricing. Since small businesses may not have the advantages of huge advertisement budgets large corporate have, they are expected to go an extra mile to create th eir own brand recognition for their products through personal level of service they provide. Numerous studies have concluded that success of small enterprises is owed to the heavy investment of the owners to the businesses and the hard work they put into the business to make their investment successful. These businesses never fall short on manpower as they tend to pull in their family members in case of emergencies unlike large corporate businesses. Studies reveal that customers tend to favour family owned business due to the personalised services provided that ensures more satisfied customers, a key to success of any business (Ashley-Cotleur at al 10). Satisfied customers tend to spread the word faster than any other form of advertisement which favours small family owned businesses better. A typical example is that of Mama Mancini’s. Clients who visit the restaurant frequently due to the remarkable high quality home made sauce and personalised services recommend the place to other people which validate the principle Philips Rasbery states to be â€Å"the best form of advertising there is.† (3). Mama Mancini’s another subsequent branches opened all over Chicago have thrived because it invested heavily from its family resources and the exception services it provides to its clients. The goals of the business According to a study conducted by (Taguiru and Davis 1), Mancini’s business were discovered to be functioning within six goals; developing new products, financial security and benefits for the family, created a home based work environment and concentrated on personal growth and autonomy. Mancini’s business goals were of a family oriented that provided more personal nature to the business and opposed to a sheer monetary motivation as evident in most non-family businesses worldwide. A more distinguishing feature about family business is that they offer interactive working environment and tight relationships very different from the impersonal, corporate culture relationships seen in most large businesses. This makes them very responsible for the success of the business and economic productivity since employees work in a happy atmosphere which enhances good services and attracts more customers. Prices of Mama Mancini foods are consistence in its entire stores all over United Stated and products of the company are not priced according to competitors from other companies. Low priced dishes in Mama Mancini have been able to attract more customers into buying the company’s products. Conclusion The study question at the beginning of this research was to examine the factors that contributed to economic success of family owned small business and it has become clear that personal networking and interpersonal relationship contributed greatly to the success of the business. Small business back in the day faced finance problems and credit crunch, but since loans are available today, adequate planning and creativity can enable long term planning. In my opinion, Mama Mancini’s has showed a perfect example on how small businesses are backbone of the economy. The government should step in and offer attractive loan facilities that attract low interest rates to these enterprises to stimulate their growth. It took Mama Mancini five years to penetrate other markets, if affordable loans were in place, that wouldn’t have been the case and more jobs would have been generated sooner. Ashley-Cotleur, Catherine., Sandra,West. â€Å"Family Business and Relationship Marketing: The Impacts of Relationship Marketing On Second Generation Family Business†. Frostburg State University, vol .35 (2000) pp. 1-14. Dissanayale, Kumudinei. â€Å"The construction of Organizational Structure; Connection with Autopoietic System Thoery† Contemporary Management Research, vol.2, issue 2 (2006) pp.1-12. Philips, Mancini Raspery, Stephen. â€Å"Welcome to Mancini’s Not just a pl ace to eat great food, but a restaurant to have the perfect meal† Good life, October Issue, (2002). pp.1-4. Tagiuri, Davis, J Swarts, Stephen. â€Å"The challenges of multi-displinary consulting to family owned businesses†. Family Business Review, 2(1989.):pp.1

Monday, October 21, 2019

What impact has globalization and increased modernity had on indigenous and native populations throughout the world Can these impacts be argued as positive ones for these societies

What impact has globalization and increased modernity had on indigenous and native populations throughout the world Can these impacts be argued as positive ones for these societies What impact has globalization and increased modernity had on indigenous and native populations throughout the world? Can these impacts be argued as positive ones for these societies?Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on What impact has globalization and increased modernity had on indigenous and native populations throughout the world? Can these impacts be argued as positive ones for these societies? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Introduction Globalization is the process of integrating different countries to form one big society, called the global village. The integration process includes signing of trade agreements, making use of information technology, allowing multinational companies to do business across borders. This process also includes free movement of people across countries and continents; enabling trade, exchange of cultural, economic, political and social ideas. Globalization has been advocated by counties of the west that are already developed and are seeking to tap into the developing nations’ resources (Rodrik, 2011). This topic has been a subject in many debates all over the world. Different people have different views on the matter; while others take the stand that globalization is an exploitative mechanism crafted by the west to take advantage of the third world. Others consider it to be an opportunity to even out the playing field for all the nations to enjoy equal access and distribution of wealth, knowledge, and human resource. Modernity, on the other hand, is embracing change from the agrarian system, to newer practices of industrialization and the popular capitalistic culture. Most western countries have successfully adapted these practices and are, thus, more developed than the third world countries of Africa, Asia and South America (Stieglitz, 2007, p.12). Modernity is the change of the way of life, the way we do things, but who sets the standards for modernity? It is the developed world. People in the third world see modernity as an imposition. It takes time for cultures to accept modernity. Some aggressively resist it as witnessed in some counties of the middle east, while other countries are quick to adapt it. The rate at which a society embraces modernity will determine how fast it develops. Resisting modernity spells peril for societies that are backward. Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is important, however, to note that modernity can be devastating to societies that do not know how to transit from their current situation and it is ,therefore, up to the rest of the global society to jump in and direct the young nations. Modernity, does not necessarily mean complete change of lifestyle; some attributes can be maintained as useful to the indigenous society. The indigenous people of Mexico Mexico has an indigenous population takes up about 15% of the entire population. There are over 250 ethnic groups in Mexico, each with a unique language and social structure, taking part in different economic activities. This can be attributed to the dynamism of their ecosystems (Pieterse, 2009). Even with their uniqueness, these indigenous people experience similar challenges and experiences. To examine how globalization has affected the people of Mexico, we have to look at both the successes and failures of globalization. Economically, globalization opens up worldwide markets to increased trade, direct and indirect foreign investment and sharing of knowledge. However, indigenous people are always at a disadvantage, as they never fully enjoy these benefits. Since governments cannot fully satisfy the wants of the people, they rely on foreign help to meet these demands. Projects undertaken by the Mexican government in conjunction with multinational corporations have transformed some of the areas inhabited b y the indigenous people. In 2009, wind-power projects were started in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. These projects not only provided power to the local people, but also provided employment (Giddens, 1991). Other economic activities come as a result of outside influence on the local economy. Tourism, for instance, stems out of foreigners coming into Mexico. The locals can benefit from selling their indigenous wares and arts. Tourism is one way of promoting globalization, as there is increase contact among different cultures, there is exchange of ideologies, knowledge and resources. The local people enjoy increased income and their lifestyles are changed significantly. As a way to attract more tourists, the Mexican government seeks to develop facilities in the indigenous areas to the appeal of the visitors. The transportation, communication and accommodation facilities are improved. These benefits trickle down to the locals. On the other hand, as tourism promotes globalization, there are concerns as to what extent these changes affect the local people. Increasing a population of a particular region has its negative effects ranging from pollution of the environment, unfair labour practices and promotion of destructive social lifestyles like prostitution (Featherstone, 1990).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on What impact has globalization and increased modernity had on indigenous and native populations throughout the world? Can these impacts be argued as positive ones for these societies? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Information technology systems have also contributed greatly to globalization. Internet is the best example in this case. It has opened up doors to the outside world not only for social reasons but also for commercial reasons. E-commerce reduces the stressful situation of having to look for markets for products. Most indigenous societies can now sell their products on line. It is, therefore, important for the local people to use this platform as it brings the global market place to one’s door step. Modernism means change; this change can be both beneficial and counter-productive if not carefully transitioned. Using modern methods for farming has proved a success among the Chiapas people of Mexico, who are mainly coffee producers. They have embraced organic farming. The Zapatistas group which is an indigenous resistance movement has also managed to provide conducive economic programs that ensure free and fair trade as well as e-commerce (Bhagwati, 2007, p.17). Negative impacts of globalization The promise of fair and free trade that comes with the signing of trade agreements has sometimes caused negative repercussions for the local people. Some trade agreements involve inviting Multinational Corporation to go to Mexico. The signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) by the United States, Canada and Mexico, has resulted in economic growth in Mexico. However, the consequences of the agreement have impacted the indigenous people negatively. Some of the peasant farmers lost their lands to the big corporations even though the constitution recognized their right to own land (Berman, 1988). People, who had been farming their whole lives, were forced to look for alternative work. Others were completely displaced to create room form factories. The compensation offered was not even enough to procure new lands. This left a large population with a crisis of food insecurity. Even though NAFTA created jobs initially, most of those jobs have been outsourced to countries like China and India (Kahn, 2009, p.23). Increased commercial farming by the big corporations has also changed the social dynamism of the local people. Most of the southern Mexico indigenous people are subsistence farmers. When they lost their lands, their lives had to change too. They had to change profession. The indigenous people have had to suffer from harmfu l effects of degraded environment, as the drilling companies have left oil spills all over the native lands; resulting in unproductive land.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Privatization of some corporations and resources is a good way of increasing efficiency, productivity and accountability. This policy has seen people end up working for undesirable wages, amounting to unfair labour trends. Multilateral organizations like the IMF and the World Bank have always found a loop hole to exploit the poor countries; this is achieved by attaching conditions to their loans and dictating what the funds are supposed to be used for. Some of the projects end up being useless to the native population (Bailey Peoples 2010). Globalization has its merits and demerits, but it offers checks and balances the global village, ensuring that economies and populations have a common ground. It is a way to make governments accountable to its citizens. Outside influence increases the rate of development in various aspects of life. Politically, influences of external forces ensure that governments do not oppress their people. If that happens, then sanctions are imposed on the sa id government. These sanctions may be of economic nature. Closing the doors to the global market place. This has been known to work. In Mexico, the movements will always be there to counter government policies. These movements enjoy support from other solidarity organizations across the globe. Fighting for rights will help the indigenous people survive the negative effects of globalizations. Conclusion Globalization is a necessary evil to take the third world to the next level. Sacrifices have to be made along the way. The global economy as it is today depends heavily on what each individual economy has got to offer. This means that indigenous people have to reach at a compromise with their government in order to enjoy the benefits of modernity (Appadurai,1996, p.56). References Appadurai, A. (1996). Modernity at large: Cultural dimensions of globalization (Public Worlds). Minneapolis, MN: Public Works Publication. Bailey, G. A., Peoples, J. (2010). Essentials of cultural anthropol ogy. Belmont: Cengage Learning. Berman, M. (1988).All that is solid melts into air: The experiences of modernity. Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd. Bhagwati. J. N. (2007). In defense of globalization: With a new afterword. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Featherstone, M. (1990).Global culture: Nationalism, globalization and modernity: A theory culture and society special issue. London: Sage Publishers Ltd. Giddens, A. (1991). The consequences of Modernity. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Kahn, J. (2009).Globalization: The irrational fear that someone in China will take your job. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Pieterse, J. N. (2009). Globalization and culture: Global MÃ ©lange. Lanham, ML: Rowman Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Rodrik, D. (2011).The globalization paradox: Democracy and the future of world economy. New York, NY: W. W. Norton Company, Inc. Stieglitz, J. (2007). Making Globalization Work.New York, NY: W. W. Norton Company, Inc.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Interesting Facts About Laura Ingalls Wilder

Interesting Facts About Laura Ingalls Wilder Are you looking for interesting facts about Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the Little House books? Generations of children have delighted in her stories. In her Little House books, Laura Ingalls Wilder Wilder shared stories based on her own life and provided a fascinating look at the daily life of a pioneer girl and her family in the latter part of the nineteenth century. Here are some interesting facts about the beloved author. A Real Pioneer Girl Laura really was a pioneer girl, living in Wisconsin Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa and Dakota Territory while she was growing up. Her Little House books are closely based on her life, but they are not an exact account; they are historical fiction rather than nonfiction. The Ingalls Family Laura Ingalls was born on February 7, 1867 near Pepin, Wisconsin, the child of Charles and Caroline Ingalls. Laura’s sister, Mary, was two years older than Laura and her sister, Carrie, was more than three years younger. When Laura was 8, her brother, Charles Frederic, was born. He died less than a year later. When Laura was 10, her sister, Grace Pearl, was born. Laura Grows Up After she passed the test and received her teaching certificate at the age of 15, Laura spent several years teaching school. On August 25, 1885, when Laura was 18, she married Almanzo Wilder. She wrote about his childhood in upstate New York in her Little House book Farmer Boy. The Difficult Years The first years of Almanzo and Laura’s marriage were very difficult and included illness, the death of their baby son, poor crops and a fire. Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote about those years in the last of her Little House books, The First Four Years, which was not published until 1971. Rose Wilder One joyous event in the early years was the birth of Laura and Almanzo’s daughter, Rose, in 1886. Rose grew up to be a writer. She is credited with helping to convince her mother to write the Little House books and helping with editing, although exactly how much is still somewhat in question. Rocky Ridge Farm After several moves, in 1894, Laura, Almanzo and Rose moved to Rocky Ridge Farm near Mansfield, Missouri, and there Laura and Almanzo remained until their deaths. It was at Rocky Ridge Farm that Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote the Little House books. The first was published in 1932 when Laura was 65 years old. Laura Ingalls Wilder, Writer Laura did have some writing experience before she wrote the Little House books. In addition to working on their farm, Laura held several part-time writing jobs, including serving for more than a decade as as a columnist for Missouri Ruralist, a bimonthly farm paper. She also had articles in other publications, including Missouri State Farmer and St. Louis Star. The Little House Books In all, Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote nine books that came to be known as â€Å"Little House† books. Little House in the Big WoodsFarmer BoyLittle House on the PrairieOn the Banks of Plum CreekBy the Shores of Silver Lake The Long WinterLittle Town on the PrairieThese Happy Golden YearsThe First Four Years The Laura Ingalls Wilder Award After four of the Little House Books won Newbery Honors, the American Library Association established the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award to honor authors and illustrators whose childrens books, published in the United State, have had a major impact on children’s literature. The first Wilder Award was awarded in 1954 and Laura Ingalls Wilder was the recipient. Other recipients have included: Tomie dePaola (2011), Maurice Sendak (1983), Theodor S. Geisel/Dr. Seuss (1980) and Beverly Cleary (1975). The Little House Books Live On Almanzo Wilder died on October 23, 1949. Laura Ingalls Wilder died on February 10, 1957, three days after her 90th birthday. Her Little House books had already become classics and Laura delighted in the responses of young readers to her books. Children all over the world, particularly 8 to 12 year olds, continue to enjoy and learn from Lauras stories of her life as a pioneer girl. Sources Laura Ingalls Wilder Biography, Laura Ingalls Wilder Award Home Page, HarperCollins: Laura Ingalls Wilder Biography Miller, John E., Becoming Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Woman Behind the Legend, University of Missouri Press, 1998

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Strategic management - Essay Example d coordinate their efforts with other organizations in order to build a foundation to provide the society with a healthy environment in accordance to vision 2030 (Lynch, 2008).This is a clear indication that they have not fully embraced the idea of strategic management. This is contrary to what is happening in the UAE (Lynch, 2008). From studies conducted previously, it was found that there is great use of strategic management in the UAE’s public sector. It was found that approximately 70% of the organizations embraced the idea by 2006 making it to be ahead of the U.S on the application of strategic management in their organizations (Lynch, 2008). In this era of rapid economic development, there is need for Qatar to implement this strategy in their operations as it has been found to be possessing several advantages some of which are outlined below. Strategic management consists of a framework that advocates for improved control and coordination of activities (Lynch, 2008). This is of great help to the organization as it will increase the efficiency of their operations. In addition, the strategy will encourage people to think towards a forward direction thus creating an environment that is positive towards change (Lynch, 2008). This in turn will then make the organization to be flexible in their operations so as to make the necessary adjustments that will help it attain its vision that are in line with vision

Friday, October 18, 2019

The life of William shakespeare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The life of William shakespeare - Research Paper Example Of the five siblings, William had two sisters and three brothers. Edmund Shakespeare, the last born in the Shakespeare family was born when William was in his teenage years, and that’s when he lost one of his sisters. John Shakespeare later became the mayor of the town in which William was born. Shakespeare never had an extensive education life. At the age of six or seven, William Shakespeare attended the King’s new school in Stratford (a school that taught children of prominent citizens) where he leant grammar and got the chance of sharpening his writing skills which laid down the foundation of his career in theater. In his secondary, he studied Latin, literature, rhetoric, logic, and ethics. In his work, there is evidence of Roman comedy, classical mythology and ancient history. This is believed to be his only formal education as there is no evidence to suggest he ever received university training. William might have been withdrawn from the school of grammar due to the increased poverty of his father at the age of thirteen. At that time, his father was a butcher, and William joined him in that business for some time. The business of John Shakespeare had gone from bad to worse, and at the time, William Shakespeare was eighteen, his father was deprived of his mayorship. This happened on 6th of September 1586. Not much is known about the life of William Shakespeare in his youth, but it is evident that at the age of eighteen, he got married to a farmer’s daughter known as Anne Hathaway who was eight years older than him. They married when Anne had William’s pregnancy and she gave birth six months later. It is believed that Shakespeare was forced into marriage by the Hathaway family since he wanted to marry one Anne Whateley who was already married to Wm Shaxpere and that he had previously impregnated Anne Hathaway. William Shakespeare never showed affection to his wife. This is evident because in his first draft of his will,

Social Function of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social Function of Art - Essay Example The Art functions in two ways. First is Non Motivated function of Art and the second is Motivated function of Art.Non Motivated function of the art serves no specific purpose and utility. As Aristotle defines it, imitation is one instinct of human nature, therefore creativity is human instinct and it by no means has motivated purpose. Experience of mystics, expression of imagination and universal communication all these are the examples of aesthetic attributes of an individual, there is no reasoning and logic but are meant solely for pleasure. Motivated function of the art, on the other hand, refers to the intentional and conscious actions on the part of the artist. It could be to communicate major social change, political view and specific emotions. Art is a source of entertainment and communication. The nineteenth century saw new developments in the art forms. The three major movements in the art form in this century were-Neoclassicism, Romanticism and Impressionism. As discussed e arlier, art is the expression of change or response to the change in the society. The world was going through rapid urbanization during this era and various art movements are the reflection of the way world responded to the change. For instance, the Neoclassicism was the intellectual movement that was inspired by the of Classicists of Greece and Rome. The art of this movement is identified by its idealized form and stable composition. The artists recognised themselves above other members of the society as pathfinders’ .

Instrumentation paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Instrumentation paper - Essay Example This absence of national statistics for recidivism does not necessarily mean, however, that the phenomenon is non-existent and is not a concern. In fact, recidivism among juvenile offenders merits special attention considering the prevalence of drug use among offenders, regardless of whether they are adult or juvenile (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2007; Wei, Makkai & McGregor, 2003). Further, three general trends bared by Spiess and Fallow (2006) on the drugs and crime connection sparked interest in the focus of this concept paper : (1) the prevalence of testing positively for drug use among apprehended offenders; (2) the high incidence of offenders who tested positive on drugs when their crimes were committed; and (3) addiction being a common trigger for offenders to commit crimes to in order to support their addiction. The third trend bared in the Spiess and Fallow (2006) study points to a well-established link between crime and drug use. In fact, three-quarters of crack and heroin users confessed that they commit criminal acts to sustain their addiction (Home Office, 2008). Goaded by the various accounts leading to a connection between criminality, in general, and recidivism, the intent of the proposed study is to gather research evidence on the effects of mind altering drug use and abuse to juvenile recidivism . Juvenile offenders/recidivists. Results of the study will be of greatest benefit to juvenile offenders and recidivists, by way of its contribution to the knowledge base of juvenile problems and the suggestions which will be formulated as output or recommendations of the study to assist youth offenders in realizing the importance of freedom, healthy and drug-free living, education, a personal relationship with God and acceptance back to free society. Correctional Institutions. Management and staff of correctional institutions will find significance in the proposed output of this study, as the suggestions and the new knowledge

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Choosing college majors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Choosing college majors - Essay Example The right college major can land this student a good job or even a career opening pathway for his own self. He will then be able to manifest how and when he needs to maneuver his strengths and how his weaknesses are to be plugged in the shortest possible time. The right college major will help the student to know how he is faring with regards to his counterparts and what his respective study domains mean to him. This is essential to note because the college major will help him decide which course of action to adopt and which one to leave as far as his future endeavors within the study regimes are concerned. The right college major is important to choose for one’s own success as has been proven true through research and evidence of study within the related realms. A college major is essentially the difference between mediocrity and wellness of a student. He can demand a great deal more if the college major is selected in an appropriate way. This will help him to disseminate inf ormation to the people around him as well as for his own realms. The right college major is therefore dependent on the individual under consideration because he can know beforehand what he is delving into, and how he could extract the best possible results out of the related equation (Strasser, 2002). As far as the society is concerning, choosing the right college major would mean that the young ones are on the right path and that there is immense achievement written within their ranks. They are making the best use of their abilities and skills that they have polished through education and in entirety by the college major that they chose for their own selves. It would mean that the society is ready and waiting to derive the potential benefits from such students who will grow up to deliver once they enter within the professional domains. The types of college majors that can be chosen are ranging from law to arts, computing to social sciences, environmental engineering to botany, and so on and so forth. Nearly all fields of education have some majors to choose from and it is totally up to the student what he wishes to have for his own self as far as his future educational undertakings are concerned. During high school, the majors should be given to students based on their intelligence levels because it is their pertinent interest that counts more than anything else. Their grades are not quite representative of the success that they would be able to have within their educational quarters. Therefore intelligence is something that holds fort for them under such discussions. The intelligence cadre is significant because it pinpoints the tilt of the students more than any other facet which comes to the reckoning. It also highlights how intelligence will pave the way for his future growth and development within the professional settings, which remains very quintessential as far as understanding of the college majors are concerned for the sake of the young ones. Howeve r, there are some views which hold fast on to the adage that grades mean everything as far as choosing the college major is concerned. One can understand that there is biasness involved within the making up of such viewpoints because the grades do not justify the basis of success that a student would be able to achieve during his academic career. Intelligence and a

Writing Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Writing Poetry - Essay Example Understanding its meaning and rich undertones can be a challenging task for the reader. Several readings and a careful, systematic analysis is called for, in order to fully comprehend its significance. But in the long run the effort is worthwhile as â€Å"The Snow Man† is a remarkable poem and reading it can be an enriching and rewarding experience. The poem begins by introducing the reader to a human, and it is through the eyes of this person that the paradoxical nature of winter, with its cold beauty and innate harshness is revealed. Initially the poet emphasizes the importance of being finely attuned to the nuances of winter at a mental level. Further by dint of prolonged exposure one must be inured to the hardships brought on by the wintry winds. Only then will it be possible for the process of metamorphosis to take place, transforming one into a snowman, which is truly integrated with the magnificent landscape. One evolves into â€Å"†¦the listener, who listens in the snow, / And, nothing himself, beholds/ Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is† (Stevens 9). Speculation as to the events that led to the shaping of the poem may help the reader to better grasp its import. It would appear that Stevens had written this poem, while merely gazing at a wintry landscape and studying its nature. Or, on a more profound note the poem may be his way of giving expression to the realization that the winter of his own life had approached, bringing with it a curious mixture of despondency and hope and the need to shed the unnecessary trappings of civilization, in order to become one with nature, and thereby achieve a purer state of being. This probably explains the sheer intensity of the poem and its theme of learning to let go - giving up everything and thereby acquiring everything which may just turn out to be nothing. From looking at the poem’s antecedents, the reader may divide it into its structural parts for purposes of comprehension. The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Instrumentation paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Instrumentation paper - Essay Example This absence of national statistics for recidivism does not necessarily mean, however, that the phenomenon is non-existent and is not a concern. In fact, recidivism among juvenile offenders merits special attention considering the prevalence of drug use among offenders, regardless of whether they are adult or juvenile (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2007; Wei, Makkai & McGregor, 2003). Further, three general trends bared by Spiess and Fallow (2006) on the drugs and crime connection sparked interest in the focus of this concept paper : (1) the prevalence of testing positively for drug use among apprehended offenders; (2) the high incidence of offenders who tested positive on drugs when their crimes were committed; and (3) addiction being a common trigger for offenders to commit crimes to in order to support their addiction. The third trend bared in the Spiess and Fallow (2006) study points to a well-established link between crime and drug use. In fact, three-quarters of crack and heroin users confessed that they commit criminal acts to sustain their addiction (Home Office, 2008). Goaded by the various accounts leading to a connection between criminality, in general, and recidivism, the intent of the proposed study is to gather research evidence on the effects of mind altering drug use and abuse to juvenile recidivism . Juvenile offenders/recidivists. Results of the study will be of greatest benefit to juvenile offenders and recidivists, by way of its contribution to the knowledge base of juvenile problems and the suggestions which will be formulated as output or recommendations of the study to assist youth offenders in realizing the importance of freedom, healthy and drug-free living, education, a personal relationship with God and acceptance back to free society. Correctional Institutions. Management and staff of correctional institutions will find significance in the proposed output of this study, as the suggestions and the new knowledge

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Writing Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Writing Poetry - Essay Example Understanding its meaning and rich undertones can be a challenging task for the reader. Several readings and a careful, systematic analysis is called for, in order to fully comprehend its significance. But in the long run the effort is worthwhile as â€Å"The Snow Man† is a remarkable poem and reading it can be an enriching and rewarding experience. The poem begins by introducing the reader to a human, and it is through the eyes of this person that the paradoxical nature of winter, with its cold beauty and innate harshness is revealed. Initially the poet emphasizes the importance of being finely attuned to the nuances of winter at a mental level. Further by dint of prolonged exposure one must be inured to the hardships brought on by the wintry winds. Only then will it be possible for the process of metamorphosis to take place, transforming one into a snowman, which is truly integrated with the magnificent landscape. One evolves into â€Å"†¦the listener, who listens in the snow, / And, nothing himself, beholds/ Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is† (Stevens 9). Speculation as to the events that led to the shaping of the poem may help the reader to better grasp its import. It would appear that Stevens had written this poem, while merely gazing at a wintry landscape and studying its nature. Or, on a more profound note the poem may be his way of giving expression to the realization that the winter of his own life had approached, bringing with it a curious mixture of despondency and hope and the need to shed the unnecessary trappings of civilization, in order to become one with nature, and thereby achieve a purer state of being. This probably explains the sheer intensity of the poem and its theme of learning to let go - giving up everything and thereby acquiring everything which may just turn out to be nothing. From looking at the poem’s antecedents, the reader may divide it into its structural parts for purposes of comprehension. The

Literature and imagination Essay Example for Free

Literature and imagination Essay In Critical Approaches to Literature, David Daiches has said that the imagination, in its primary manifestation, is the great ordering principle, an agency which enables us both to discriminate and to order, to separate and to synthesize, and thus makes perception possible, for without it, we would have only a collection of meaningless sensory data. Literary theory and poetry materialize concurrently, for poets have a strong tendency to form opinions about their craft and to use these opinions as part of the message of their poems. Imagination is undoubtedly inherent in literature, the prime component in any work of art, but this view has been a cause of debate since the dawn of literature and criticism. As with most dissentions and philosophy regarding literature and its attendant features, the first records of this debate are to be found in the germinal works of Aristotle and Plato. Writing at a time when the poet was venerated for his work, and the philosopher persecuted for his, it is but natural that Plato would react negatively towards poetry. He regarded it as being fundamentally unsound and his view of imagination was much the same, since the imagination is the wellspring from which poetry arises. Imagination was inspirational and emotional, and he did not agree or identify with it for he did not find it logical. Aristotle, on the other hand, acknowledged that art represented reality, and that imagination was an important element of the structuring and creating of art. Horace, while admitting that poets utilized fiction and often mingled facts with fancy, put forth a synthesis of Aristotle and Platos views. According to him, the end function of poetry is to please and instruct, a mixture of pleasure and profit appeals to every reader and hence, imagination took on a fairly central position. John Dryden, a Seventeenth Century liberal and neo- classical critic, acknowledged imagination as inspiration breathd into man by God. Increasingly we observe that, as it is investigated down the ages, the primary human faculty of imagination becomes inseparable from poetry- Dryden acknowledged both the didactic and aesthetic nature of poetry. The term Fancy, so commonly used, was coined by him. Pope, in accordance to the vigorous structural formalism of the Augustans, declares that imagination was native, but that it should be kept under control, for there was a necessity for decorum. In the Nineteenth Century, the issue of imagination became one of utmost significance, mostly due to the theorizing of Wordsworth, and more significantly, of Coleridge. While imagination, as a primary and unique faculty of the human psyche and consciousness, was never debated, both poets managed to convey its indisputable significance in poetry. In the Seventeenth Century, the writer became of soul importance- the readers reacted to the experience of emotion with delight. This delight, the Romantics stressed, was the prime objective of their poetry, but was not achieved by mechanical application of rules, but by the strength of the imagination. An early and somewhat haphazard attempt on the part of Wordsworth to discriminate between imagination (Impressive effects out of simple elements), and fancy (Pleasure and surprise excited by sudden varieties of situation and accumulated imagery), appears in The Thorn. In earlier discussions, both of these had been in most part used synonymously to denote a faculty of the mind which is distinguished from reason and judgement, and which receives images from the senses and records them into new combinations. He stresses that imagination, and not fancy, should be used to refer to the creative or poetic principle. The distinction between imagination and fancy was a key element in Coleridges theory of poetry, as well as in the general theory of the mental processes. This laconic differentiation is the core of his exposition on the nature and genesis of the imagination. M. H. Abrams, in The Mirror and the Lamp, points out that, As in his philosophy, so in his criticism, Coleridge roots his theory in the constitution and activity of the creative mind. The memory, for Coleridge, is mechanical, and fancy passive, which acts only by a sort of juxtaposition. The imagination, on the other hand, recreates, its elements by a process to which Coleridge sometimes applies terms borrowed from the physical and chemical unions- it is a synthetic, a permeative and a blending, fusing power. The imagination is essentially vital; it generates and produces a form of its own. Fancy is thus a perfunctory process which receives the elementary images- the fixities and definites which it receives from the senses, and without altering the parts, reassembles them into a different spatial and temporal order form that in which they were originally perceived. The imagination creates rather than reassembles by dissolving the fixities and definites, and unifying them into a new whole. The faculty of imagination generates and produces a form of its own while its rules are the very powers of growth and production. It assimilates and synthesises the most disparate elements into an organic whole- a newly generated unity, constituted by a living interdependence of parts whose identity cannot survive their removal from the whole. Fancy can be taken to mean surface decorations of new combinations of memories and perceptions, while imagination involved a combination of elements in the cauldron of the poets mind, with imagination acting as a base of sorts more than anything else, which results in the creation of a new work. Coleridge further distinguishes between the Primary and Secondary imagination. If the process of creation is conceived as being essentially and perpetually the bringing of order out of chaos, then the Primary imagination is essentially creative and a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the finite I AM. This could be explained by reducing imagination to a single image, or a train of thought, in ones mind- this quality, being inherent in every conscious, human being (that is, in evolutionary terms, the ability of foresight and being able to think around a situation), and Coleridge has recognized this as constituting the Primary imagination. The Secondary imagination is the conscious human use of this power. When we employ our Primary imagination in the act of perception, we are not doing so with our conscious will, but are exercising the basic faculty of our awareness of ourselves and the external world; the Secondary imagination is more conscious and less elemental, but it does not differ in kind from the primary. In imagination, elements in an environment that strike the creators sensibility are blended and fused into a new whole- the poet has to merge reason and emotion, restraint and spontaneity, the abstract and the concrete, etc. The entire exercise is a reconciliation of opposites, (precisely why it is a conscious one), emphasizing the dialectical character of creativity. The action can be reduced to three basic phases: thesis, antithesis and synthesis, but this process is inexplicable, as is imagination, and particular to the poet himself. The resultant exposition can never be stripped down to its original elements. To exemplify this, Coleridge uses the analogy of the transformation of a seed into a plant to explain this theory. Once the seed has been planted, and grows into a plant, it is impossible to reduce the plant to singular elements like the seed, the water, the air, the soil, etc. It is a whole- an organic unit. In the same manner- a creation of the imagination has an inherent organic unity- it cannot be reduced to any of its contributory elements. This is the dialectical character of creativity that involves synthesis- the result of this blend and fusion is a whole. Coleridge stressed that imagination makes new perception possible. If indeed a work springs out of imagination, it holds the ability to penetrate the experience of its genesis and reveal the essence of the object. This echoes Aristotles view that poetry or art penetrates through the idea of an object and brings to the surface not the particular, but the universal in the particular, the essence. In a writers imagination, thus, the experience is unifying or coadunative- what Coleridge calls Esemplastic- it is moulded into an expression by the imagination. Literature thus becomes a piece of actuality subjected to the laws of imagination. Most critics after Coleridge tended to make fancy simply that faculty that produces a lesser, lighter, or more humorous kind of poetry, and to make imagination the faculty that produces a higher, more serious, and more passionate poetry. However, the mark of Coleridges theories is undoubtedly present in each of these. As he himself has stated: I laboured at a solid foundation, in the component faculties of the human mind itself and their comparative dignity and importance.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Future of Virtual Reality

The Future of Virtual Reality Virtual became one of the most trending words during the last decade. Today we have virtual studios, offices, exhibitions and universities all because of virtual reality. In 1950s, a Single user Console- Sensorama, which was built by Morton Heilig which improved the usage of three Dimensional Television. And with more Developments and Techniques in Virtual reality over the year, finally there released first commercial entertaining Virtual Reality System Virtuality. Considering Virtual Reality an Upcoming Trend and Technology becoming more advanced making virtual world a reality. The effect of Virtual World on the reality has been a Current matter of Discussion, which made me influenced to investigate it more. Virtual Reality is Living and feeling an Imaginary world instead of a real world. The Imaginary world is generated through Computer Graphics. The sense information is bolstered by some framework to our mind. A medium composed of interactions giving users the feeling of being present in the computer stimulated world. Virtual reality will be coordinated into day by day life and action, and will be utilized as a part of various human ways. Another such hypothesis has been composed up on the most proficient method to respond extreme joy through virtual reality. Technologies will be created to influence human behaviour, relational correspondence, and comprehension. Virtual reality is shown with a VR headset. VR headsets are head-mounted goggles with a screen before the eyes. Projects may incorporate sound and sounds through speakers or earphones. As we invest increasingly energy in virtual space, there will be a continuous relocation to virtual space, bringing about vital changes in finan cial aspects, perspective, and culture. VR could be progressive in various fields, particularly inside Architecture, Art, Entertainment, Medicine, Journalism, Scientific Research and Sports. This is on the grounds that VR can make a profound significant affair for the users. Wherever it is excessively unsafe, costly or unfeasible, making it impossible to accomplish something as a general rule, virtual reality is the appropriate response. From military pilots trainee to medical applications specialists, virtual reality permits us to go out on a limb keeping in mind the end goal to increase more involvement. As the cost of virtual reality goes down and it ends up being more standard you can expect more certifiable uses, for instance, instruction or effectiveness applications, to go to the fore. To enter in a VE, a client wears exceptional gloves, headphones, and goggles, all of which send their yield to the PC frameworks. The virtual situations are expected to supplant this present reality condition with the computerized one and the human faculties are submerged in the VE. A Virtual Environment can be made on various degrees relying upon the PC based stage running from a PDA screen to a desktop screen or a completely Immersive Virtual Environment (IVE). All present day VR showcases depend on innovation produced for cell phones including: gyroscopes and motion sensors for following head, hand, and body positions; little HD screens for stereoscopic presentations; and little, lightweight and quick processors. These segments prompted relative reasonableness for autonomous VR designers, and prompt the 2012 Oculus Rift kick starter offering the primary freely created VR headset. Autonomous creation of VR pictures and video has expanded by the improvement of omnidirectional camera s, otherwise called 360-degree cameras or VR cameras, that can record every which way, despite the fact that at low-resolutions or in profoundly compacted designs for web based gushing. Conversely, photogrammetry is progressively used to join a few high-determination photos for the making of detailed 3D articles and conditions in VR applications. The following and rendering turns the entire procedure more immersive and intelligent than the customary media like TVs and computer games. The client activities result in quick and detectable effect on the substance of virtual condition. Taking after are the fundamental parts of a virtual domain: The visual showcases that drench the client in the virtual world and shut out conflicting tactile impressions from this present reality. The representation rendering framework that creates the always showing signs of change pictures at 20 to 30 outlines for every second. A following framework that persistently illuminates the position and introduc tion of the clients developments. The database development and support framework to assemble and maintain a realistic model of the virtual world. A sound framework that can create amazing directional sounds and recreated sound fields. Gadgets like followed gloves with pushbuttons to empower clients to indicate their collaborations with the virtual items. Exploratory and planning data recognition has benefitted for a significant long time from Virtual Reality, yet late progression in introduction advancement has made energy for everything from sub-nuclear portrayal to designing to atmosphere models. The virtual surroundings are relied upon to supplant this present reality condition with the electronic one and the human faculties are submerged in the VR. Submersion is an undertaking of losing oneself in the VR and finishing off all signs from the physical world. Todays VR applications give positional sound, telling customers where a sound begins from inside an area. Nevertheless, solid in this present reality reflects more than just range of the sound source sound is a part of the physical condition. Using OptiX bar taking after engine, VR Works Audio can take after the method for sound in a circumstance dynamically, passing on physical sound that totally reflects the size, shape, and material properties of the virtual world. Virtual Reality will be a Growing Industry in Future. The Computer Graphics and Specialised hardware may get advanced, faster and reasonable due to the developments. May be the Windows will be replaced by the 3D user Interface. It will be in great demand in near future. But it also has to face some challenges of Technical matters and movement sickness due to VR. It causes Imbalance, Disorientation, computer latency might affect the user, the convoluted way of head-mounted shows and information frameworks, for example, specific gloves and boots may require particular preparing to work, and exploring the genuine condition may demonstrate unsafe without outer tangible data. But we can expect to see numerous more creative uses for the innovation later on and maybe a major route in which we convey and work because of the conceivable outcomes of virtual reality.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Development of Benedicks Character in Shakespeares Much Ado About

The Development of Benedick's Character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing At the beginning of the play, Benedick appears as almost a comic character, acting as if the most important part of his character is his wit. However, by the end of the play it becomes obvious that he is a clear-thinking character who is able to take action and keep his head in a crisis. The change in Benedick's character is accompanied by the change in his relationship with Beatrice, as they move from 'merry war' and 'skirmish of wit' to become lovers, though Benedick does still protest that he 'love thee (Beatrice) against my will'. Throughout the play, Benedick's relationship with Beatrice is an important mark of his character. In the first scene they are unable to converse without entering into one of the skirmishes of wit for which Leonato has said they are known. There is a suggestion from Beatrice that the two have been in a relationship before: "You always end with a jades trick, I know you of old" Evidence of this past relationship provides both a reason for the 'merry war' and a suggestion that there may still be some romantic feelings between the two. However, Benedick's jocular attitude towards women does not stop at Beatrice, even when Claudio asks Benedick, as a friend, for serious advice about Hero, he is unable to take the situation seriously or give a serious answer: "She's too low for a high praise, too brown for a fair praise and too little for a great praise" This shows quite clearly that Benedick's character in the early stages of the play is firmly rooted in his wit. Of course, Benedick's failure to notice Hero at all is a further suggestion that he has feelings for Beatrice, which is supported by his ... ...e, due to the gradual change and development of his character. The extent to which Benedick is changed is shown by the way his attitudes appear completely changed by the conclusion of the play, as he appears no longer to be a 'tyrant' towards women, and he is no longer reliant on his wit as the main feature of his personality. Works Cited and Consulted: Barton, Anne. Introduction. Much Ado About Nothing. The Riverside Shakespeare, 2nd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1997. 361-365. Lewalski, B. K. "Much Ado About Something" Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 8 (1968): 235-251. Prouty, Charles A. Conformity in Much Ado About Nothing. New York: Books for Libraries Press/Yale University Press, 1980. Rossiter, A.P. "Much Ado About Nothing." William Shakespeare Comedies & Romances. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Gender in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart Essay -- Chinua Achebe Thi

This paper will look at the contradictions in the work of Chinua Achebe in relation to his placement of woman and femininity. Kristen Holst Petersen states that ‘the African discussion is between feminist emancipation versus the fight against neo-colonialism, particularly in its cultural aspect...which comes first, the fight for female equality or the fight against Western cultural imperialism’. This paper will attempt to highlight these contradictions in relation to Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. Above all the tribe values physical prowess, it places a great deal of importance on individual achievement, these attributes are in fact intended to ensure the security and permanence of the group. For like most early societies this is a society that is dominated by a passion for survival. Umofia therefore cultivates the notion of the heroic ideal based on physical prowess. The centrality of the yam in the novel highlights the tribe’s respect for physical strength. As a result of the intense muscular effort required for its cultivation the yam crop comes to represent an annual triumph wrested from nature, a signifier of the dialogue between the human world and the natural environment. However a reader soon realizes the contradictions between the constraints of the social ideal, that privileges the interests of the group, and the truths of individual human yearnings. Unoka, Okonwko’s father, embodies the counter-values that stand in opposition to the rigid social ideal of the tribe. His unorthodox style of living is, it may be argued, a conscious subversion of the manly ideal. His oppositional values are those of art, in tandem with a playful irony and an amorality that resounds with his relaxed disposition to the world. ... ...cultural experience. Of course Things Fall Apart warrants a feminist reading, but to read it only in this manner would be reductive, and in my opinion, would miss the point of what Achebe was trying to do. In writing back to novels such as Heart of Darkness and Mister Johnson Achebe has presented us with a particularized African society to critique. To level the accusation as Petersen does that ‘the obvious inequality of the sexes seems to be the subject of mild amusement for Achebe’, is in my opinion unwarranted and unfair. Select Bibliography Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. Ibadan: Heinnemann, 1962 Kabbani, Rana. Imperial Fictions: Europe's Myths of Origin. London: Pandora, 1986. Petersen, Kristen. "First Things First: Problems of a Feminist Approach to African Literature". In Griffith, Ashcroft, Tiffin Ed The Post-Colonial Studies Reader. Gender in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart Essay -- Chinua Achebe Thi This paper will look at the contradictions in the work of Chinua Achebe in relation to his placement of woman and femininity. Kristen Holst Petersen states that ‘the African discussion is between feminist emancipation versus the fight against neo-colonialism, particularly in its cultural aspect...which comes first, the fight for female equality or the fight against Western cultural imperialism’. This paper will attempt to highlight these contradictions in relation to Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. Above all the tribe values physical prowess, it places a great deal of importance on individual achievement, these attributes are in fact intended to ensure the security and permanence of the group. For like most early societies this is a society that is dominated by a passion for survival. Umofia therefore cultivates the notion of the heroic ideal based on physical prowess. The centrality of the yam in the novel highlights the tribe’s respect for physical strength. As a result of the intense muscular effort required for its cultivation the yam crop comes to represent an annual triumph wrested from nature, a signifier of the dialogue between the human world and the natural environment. However a reader soon realizes the contradictions between the constraints of the social ideal, that privileges the interests of the group, and the truths of individual human yearnings. Unoka, Okonwko’s father, embodies the counter-values that stand in opposition to the rigid social ideal of the tribe. His unorthodox style of living is, it may be argued, a conscious subversion of the manly ideal. His oppositional values are those of art, in tandem with a playful irony and an amorality that resounds with his relaxed disposition to the world. ... ...cultural experience. Of course Things Fall Apart warrants a feminist reading, but to read it only in this manner would be reductive, and in my opinion, would miss the point of what Achebe was trying to do. In writing back to novels such as Heart of Darkness and Mister Johnson Achebe has presented us with a particularized African society to critique. To level the accusation as Petersen does that ‘the obvious inequality of the sexes seems to be the subject of mild amusement for Achebe’, is in my opinion unwarranted and unfair. Select Bibliography Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. Ibadan: Heinnemann, 1962 Kabbani, Rana. Imperial Fictions: Europe's Myths of Origin. London: Pandora, 1986. Petersen, Kristen. "First Things First: Problems of a Feminist Approach to African Literature". In Griffith, Ashcroft, Tiffin Ed The Post-Colonial Studies Reader.

Friday, October 11, 2019

On Going Home Essay

Did you ever wonder why some people opt for peace and serenity in the company of friends and colleagues? After reading Joan Didion’s, On Going Home, numerous ideas started to rush through my brain. The experiences I had in my life started to come back to me, like a flashback, with all the emotions coming with them. Yes, I know that my life has always been filled with numerous experiences. These experiences have helped me prepare for the life I am to experience when I grow older. A tragic event in my life led to my growth as an individual. When I was younger, I perceived life to be blissful and full of challenges. The everyday activities helped shape my future , molding me into the good individual that I want to be. I was a relatively good kid. I attended school daily, and achieved impressive grades. I also had friends both in school and in the neighborhood. One of my closest friends was Charlie, my neighbor. Charlie and I have been friends since we were six years old. They were new at that time, and when her parents would go to work, Charlie was left in our house. We did things together, and our differences never made a dent in our friendship. She was the perfect friend, who always knew what to do. I could never imagine going through my life without Charlie by my side. In the summer of junior year, Charlie came over to my house and asked me to join her. I told her I cannot go with her because I was doing my homework, and I had household chores to finish before my parents arrive from work. She said that it was alright, and then she hugged me tight. She told me how much she cherished our friendship and that if ever she died, she will be my angel. She would always watch over me, and guide me to do the right things. I felt shivers come up my spine, and so I asked her what she was up to. She told me that she just wanted me to know how much she cared for me. So she left. Hours past, and still I have not heard anything from Charlie. I continued doing my homework, when I heard shattered glass from downstairs. I was scared, because I was still alone in the house. I quietly went out of my room to check on where the noises came from. I was really scared, so I left Charlie a message in her voice mail. I asked her if she can come over to help me out, and that it was an emergency. As I reached the living room, I saw the glass windows shattered, and there were evidences that there was someone who broke in our house. I called Charlie, and this time she answered me. I told her that I think someone broke into our house, and I was still alone. She said to just wait for her, because she was coming over. I tried to be calm, and device a plan to save myself from the distress. I went around the house to look for the culprit, and was shocked when someone pulled me from behind. I was scared to death. I tried to scream, but the man put his hand on my mouth. He pulled me from behind and brought me to my parents’ bedroom. With right hand holding both my arms, he started to tear away my clothes. It turned out that the man did not break in to steal our things. He was a pervert who has been eyeing on me, waiting for the right time to come. I was crying and screaming my heart out because I was not in favor of the deed this pervert is doing. When I was starting to lose hope, I saw Charlie running towards the door, bringing with her the baseball bat I kept in my room. She hit the man in the head three times making the man dizzy and unconscious. She kicked the man and helped me to get up. We ran to my room, where she gave me the first shirt that she saw, and started running towards the door. Our goal was to get the phone and call 911. Charlie and I ran downstairs. The main door was locked, and the keys were hidden in the drawers. To avoid wasting time, Charlie and I decided to pass through the back door. As we ran into the kitchen, the pervert surprised us holding a knife in his hand. He said that he was not going to hurt us, if we would give in to what he wanted. Charlie was stern and wanted to fight. She started to throw dishes at the pervert, while keeping me close behind. We were both scared, but we had to hide our fears and show this pervert of a man that he cannot defeat us. The man cut his hand and this gave us the time to run. We passed through the back door and ran outside. Charlie’s hair was pulled by the man, and she wanted me to go leave her. I cannot just leave my best friend with a man who will just torture her, and reap the dignity away from her. As the fighter, Charlie struggled to get away from the man. She gave him numerous kicks, and blows in the stomach. Little did we know that the man still had a knife on his hand only to be used in this situation. I saw my best friend, Charlie, stabbed to death by a man who tried to molest me. I screamed my heart out, waking the neighbors close by. Soon, the ambulance and the police were there searching for evidences. Charlie was brought to the hospital, where she was declared death on arrival. Before she died, Charlie told me to fulfill the dreams we built as young kids, and to always be strong no matter what the circumstances are. Soon, Charlie left and became one of the stars in the heavens. She was sixteen. My unwavering friendship with my best friend, Charlie, is something that will always have a place in my heart. She taught me a lot of things, and that it was always worth to fight for the people we care for. Charlie sacrificed her life for me to be saved, and I did not waste that opportunity. I used this pain to help me go on, and succeed in life. She wanted me to live so that I may fulfill the dreams that we had when we were younger. Nowadays, I work hard to achieve excellence in my chosen field. Although there are times that I am not in a good situation, I still keep a positive note in me. Charlie’s dream was to make a difference in this world, and I want to fulfill that even in my own little way. I want to show the world that regardless of what happened to my life before, I can still manage to rise up and start anew. I know that there are times when I feel like giving up on my career and my life, in general. Then I start to think about Charlie, and how her unwavering love for me, has shielded me from harm. If I was the fighter between us, I would have been the one who died. Charlie took that option away from me, and me see that my life was destined for something big. After much hard work and dedication, my dreams and aspirations in life are just miles away. I just have to go and expand my knowledge so that I may be fully equipped with the challenges that I will face in my chosen profession. The reading paved way for me to reminisce the friendship that I had with Charlie. Charlie’s home was two houses away from ours, but her heart has always been with us. She treated us like her own family, and made us feel how much she loved and cared for us. All these years, I have wanted to find a perfect reason as to why Charlie sacrificed her life for me. The reading showed me that irrespective of who you are with, people will do anything for us, especially when they treat us like family. I know this, because this was Charlie’s lifetime sacrifice. When I feel devastated and no will to move on, I just have to look up in the stars and see that someone up there is watching over me until all of my dreams have come true.